Dear all,


we hope this email finds you well. Here you receive some news regarding the ICOS OTC pCO2 inter-comparison. The inter-comparison will start in less than 5 month from now and we had to make a decision on how to proceed. Due to the ongoing situation and the fact that the roll-out of the vaccine will take a while we decided to run the inter-comparison as some kind of a virtual event. The details need to be discussed during the coming weeks, but here are some guidelines on how we would like to proceed:



We will plan for having visitors at the site in case the situation relaxes, but this will not be for more than 10 people. During the coming days we will update the website accordingly.


Best wishes,

(on behalf of the organizing group)


Dr. Tobias Steinhoff

Senior Engineer, ICOS OTC

NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Jahnebakken 5
NO-5007 Bergen, Norway
Phone: +49 1522 4512785



NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS