Dear all,
I hope this email finds you well.
We promised to reach out with a new date for the planned ICOS pCO2 instrumentation inter-comparison. We are still waiting for the formal approval for the project extension, but you should mark the following dates for the inter-comparison in your calender: It will take place from 28. June to 11. July 2021.
We are aware that 2021 will be a very busy year, but we hope that most of you will still be able to participate. We will contact you in the next weeks with more details regarding short handling instructions for "your" instrument and as soon the dates are formally approved we will contact you regarding your participation in 2021.
Thanks again for your interest in the inter-comparison. We hope to see many of you next year in Ostend, Belgium.
Best wishes,
Dr. Tobias Steinhoff
ICOS - Ocean Thematic Centre
Senior Engineer
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Email: tost(a)<>
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS<>